Britain & EU member-states

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How the UK and the EU can deepen defence co-operation

How the UK and the EU can deepen defence co-operation

07 March 2025
The UK and the EU face daunting common security challenges. Linking Britain more closely to EU defence tools would strengthen Europe's security.
Can Keir Starmer reset relations with the EU?: Annual report 2024

Can Keir Starmer reset relations with the EU?: Annual report 2024

17 February 2025
The CER's annual report starts with an essay on whether Keir Starmer can reset relations with the EU.
The UK can ride Trump out on trade

The UK can ride Trump out on trade

12 December 2024
The UK will probably face less trade disruption under Donald Trump than some fear – but will have fewer opportunities to improve ties with the US than some hope.
The gap between the 'Brexit reset' rhetoric and the reality

The gap between the 'Brexit reset' rhetoric and the reality

10 December 2024
Rough-and-ready calculations based on the stated demands of the UK and EU suggest the reset might raise Britain’s GDP by 0.3-0.7 per cent.
French lessons for Britain's economy

French lessons for Britain's economy

01 December 2024
Since 2008, the UK has had weak productivity growth compared to the US and France. But France's high-investment model offers more lessons for a smaller, more open economy like Britain.
Can Europe navigate Trump 2?

Can Europe navigate Trump 2?

08 November 2024
Donald Trump will be the next US president. Europe’s leaders need to accept this reality and protect European interests.
Towards a UK-EU Security Pact

Towards a UK-EU Security Pact

06 August 2024
The UK wants to forge a ‘security pact’ with the EU. But too much ambition now risks failure. A gradual approach will be more successful.  
In the UK's plans for AI, Brussels still looms large

In the UK's plans for AI, Brussels still looms large

25 July 2024
The new British government plans to regulate powerful AI models. But it should also influence how European authorities implement their law on AI and help shape global norms on AI regulation.
The murky world of French politics

The murky world of French politics

Christine Ockrent
19 July 2024
Two weeks after the second round of France’s parliamentary elections, it is still far from clear who or what can form a new French government.
Where might UK-EU relations be under a Labour government?

Where might UK-EU relations be under a Labour government?

John Peet
18 July 2024
The Labour government offers a chance for a new start for UK-EU relations. But the UK will have to both address the causes of Brexit and present a compelling offer.
An open letter to Keir Starmer: Ten suggestions on how to foster better relations with Europe

An open letter to Keir Starmer: Ten suggestions on how to foster better relations with Europe

08 July 2024
In an open letter to Keir Starmer, Charles Grant offers ten suggestions on how the Labour government can improve the UK-EU relationship.
Should the UK pursue dynamic alignment with the EU?

Should the UK pursue dynamic alignment with the EU?

04 July 2024
The EU’s neighbours follow various models of dynamic alignment with its rules. Which model, if any, could suit the UK?
EU-UK relations: Towards a post-election agenda

EU-UK relations: Towards a post-election agenda

01 July 2024
Britain’s next government needs a coherent strategy towards the EU, ranging from trade and regulation to energy, foreign policy and defence.
Delivering the goods: An EU trade agenda for the next UK government

Delivering the goods: An EU trade agenda for the next UK government

28 May 2024
The Labour Party’s red lines will restrict its ambitions for changing the EU-UK relationship, but if it forms a government it should push Brussels for concessions, particularly on trade in goods.
Europe must choose: Multiculturalism or stagnation?

Europe must choose: Multiculturalism or stagnation?

09 May 2024
An increasingly multi-ethnic society would safeguard Europe’s prosperity – or it can opt for nativism, labour shortages and higher taxes. 
Living next door to an elephant: Lessons for the UK from EFTA

Living next door to an elephant: Lessons for the UK from EFTA

29 April 2024
After Brexit, the UK finds itself next door to a regional trade hegemon. Britain can draw useful lessons from the experience of the EFTA countries.
A new equilibrium in Northern Ireland: Can it last?

A new equilibrium in Northern Ireland: Can it last?

01 March 2024
The agreement between the British government and the Democratic Unionist Party addresses immediate challenges but falls short of resolving Northern Ireland’s Brexit conundrum.
How should Europe handle China?: Annual report 2023

How should Europe handle China?: Annual report 2023

09 February 2024
The CER's annual report starts with an essay on how should Europe handle China. The report then highlights some of the CER's most important publications and events from 2023.
Brexit, four years on: Answers to two trade paradoxes

Brexit, four years on: Answers to two trade paradoxes

25 January 2024
Since the UK left the EU in 2020, its goods exports to the EU have not performed any worse than to the rest of the world, and its services exports have grown strongly. How come?
