Charities are often overlooked when it comes to Budget impacts
19 December 2024
Financial Times
John Springford, at the Centre for European Reform, says that by comparing Britain’s trade with the EU to that with the rest of the world, the LSE paper pinpoints one Brexit effect — the barriers imposed directly by the TCA.
BNR Nieuws: Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis sluit Volkswagen een Duitse fabriek
19 December 2024
Volkswagen maakte in september bekend te overwegen voor het eerst twee fabrieken te sluiten in Duitsland. Aanleiding daarvoor is overcapaciteit door een zwakkere autoverkoop in Europa, vooral van elektrische auto's. Dat resulteerde in een massale staking door het personeel van de autobouwer. Sander Tordoir, hoofdeconoom van denktank Centre for European Reform vertelt hoe het er nu voorstaat met Volkswagen.
Europe's conundrum: how to fund defence spending
18 December 2024
"We have a problem that some member-states are more constrained fiscally, and some member-states are further away from the military threats, so have much less incentive to pull their weight," said Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform. "Solving it with common borrowing allows you to provide common security for all."
Cercul de foc din jurul Europei. De ce nu a reușit UE să aducă liniștea în vecini după 20 de ani de eforturi
18 December 2024
„Ideea care a stat la baza politicii europene de vecinătate, aceea că UE dorea să fie înconjurată de un cerc de prieteni, s-a dovedit a fi exagerat de optimistă. Am ajuns să fim înconjurați mai degrabă de un cerc de foc. Avem conflicte peste tot în jur”, declară pentru Panorama, Ian Bond, directorul adjunct al Centrului pentru Reformă Europeană (CER).
John Springford : « Malgré le chaos politique dans l’Hexagone, le Royaume-Uni a des leçons à tirer de la France »
18 December 2024
John Springford est chercheur au Centre for European Reform. Il se spécialise sur la Grande-Bretagne et l’Europe, autour de questions liées au Brexit, aux migrations et aux marchés du travail ainsi qu’au commerce international. Il a été conseiller spécialisé auprès de la commission du Trésor de la Chambre des Communes au parlement britannique. Dans son rapport 'French lessons for Britain’s economy', il illustre les différentes approches économiques des deux pays.
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: The EU in 2024
18 December 2024
Six of our researchers reflect on the past year and look ahead to 2025.
Nordic-Baltic security coalition meets amid heightened European security concerns
16 December 2024
The Moscow Times
Among the ideas being discussed is expanding the JEF to include Poland and Ukraine, which could provide a “deterrent presence in Ukraine through frequent exercises and the provision of air support,” according to a recent article by Ian Bond, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform.
Het resetknopje van Keir Starmer
16 December 2024
Het Financieele Dagblad
John Springford van het Centre for European Reform heeft een ruwe berekening gemaakt van de voordelen van zo'n reset. Hij is daarbij uitgegaan van de doelen die zowel het VK als de EU heeft vooropgesteld. Voorbeelden zijn de wederzijdse erkenning van beroepskwalificaties, een ‘veterinaire overeenkomst’ om de handelsbarrières voor voedsel en landbouwproducten te verlagen, en de mogelijkheid voor 18- tot 30-jarigen om vier jaar lang te migreren voor werk of studie.
Why the Franco-German engine that powered the EU is currently kaput
15 December 2024
The Observer
At least, though, France seems to have “learned the lesson” that it needs “a credible, slow, fiscal tightening”, said economist John Springford of the Centre for European Reform. Germany, which needs tax and labour market reforms and public investment to raise spending, has yet to make that step, he said.
„Das sind viel schwerwiegendere Belastungen als die Energiepreise“
15 December 2024
Die Welt
„Deutschland braucht ein neues Wachstumsmodell für 2030,um im weltweiten wirtschaftlichen Wettbewerb nicht noch weiter abzurutschen“, warnt etwa Sander Todoir von der Denkfabrik Centre for European Reform (CER).
As long as people continue to feel aggrieved and undervalued, Labour’s attempt to persuade them that things are getting better is doomed
14 December 2024
Nation Cymru
The new trading rules it has pledged to negotiate with the EU will do little to offset the economic damage caused by Brexit, according to analysis carried out by the Centre for European Reform (CER).John Springford, an associate fellow at the CER, estimates that a “reset of the relationship” of the sort Labour set out in its election manifesto, combined with the demands the EU is making in return, will raise economic activity in the UK by between 0.3% and 0.7% in the long run.
Brussels to demand UK surrenders fishing rights and follows EU laws
13 December 2024
The Times
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, said the EU demands would be difficult for Starmer but could lead to long-term economic benefits. “Starmer’s reset is going to require him to do some politically difficult things which will undoubtedly anger the Conservatives and Reform,” he said.
France’s political instability deepens opposition to Mercosur trade agreement
13 December 2024
“It’s difficult to understand France's opposition when the agricultural access to the European market is going to be very limited,” according to Aslak Berg, a research fellow with the Centre for European Reform, adding that “there will be opportunities for French dairy notably”.
Trump 2.0 fears are boosting Starmer's Brexit reset - here's how
11 December 2024
Ian Bond, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform: “The fact the US has elected Trump in two elections out of three and that even Democratic administrations were focussing more on Asia than Europe shows that Europeans in future will have to look after their own defence and security.
“In those circumstances it makes sense for the UK and the EU to work together in those areas. They both have much more at stake in the war in Ukraine than the Trump administration believes America does.”
“In those circumstances it makes sense for the UK and the EU to work together in those areas. They both have much more at stake in the war in Ukraine than the Trump administration believes America does.”
The endangered Mercosaurus roars back to life
09 December 2024
Financial Times
The Centre for European Reform examines the lessons from the early stages of the EU implementing its Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM).
Γαλλικός χειμώνας στην Ε.Ε.
09 December 2024
Ψύχραιμος έναντι δραματικών σεναρίων για την Ευρωζώνη εμφανίζεται και ο Σαντέρ Τορντουά, επικεφαλής οικονομολόγος του Centre for European Reform, στις Βρυξέλλες. «Η Γαλλία διαθέτει ισχυρή φορολογική βάση, συμπεριλαμβανομένων σημαντικού ιδιωτικού πλούτου, ισχυρών θεσμών, και δεν είναι εκτεθειμένη σε προβληματική ξένη χρηματοδότηση. Πιθανότατα δεν θα υπάρξει άμεση δημοσιονομική κρίση στο δεύτερο μεγαλύτερο κράτος-μέλος της Ε.Ε., πόσο μάλλον στην Ευρωζώνη», επισημαίνει.
ITV News: New economic partnership with EU will 'do little' to offset the costs of Brexit
09 December 2024
The Brexit reset is being "oversold" says John Springford from the Centre for European Reform.
New economic partnership with EU will 'do little' to offset the costs of Brexit
09 December 2024
ITV News
John Springford, an associate fellow at the CER, estimates that a “reset of the relationship” of the sort Labour set out in its election manifesto, combined with the demands the EU is making in return, will raise economic activity in the UK by between 0.3% and 0.7% in the long run.
Bruch der Regierung in Paris: Frankreich ist mit seinen Haushaltsproblemen nicht allein
07 December 2024
The European
Tatsächlich gaben die Regierungen im Jahr 2022 mehr für die Stützung ihrer Volkswirtschaften aus als nach der globalen Finanzkrise 2007-09, stellt Sander Tordoir vom Centre for European Reform, einer Denkfabrik, fest.
The Joint Expeditionary Force: Deterrent, defender, or distraction?
06 December 2024
Carnegie Endowment
Since Baltic and Nordic member countries remain invested in the force, they should ensure that it has realistic tasks, is resourced to perform them, and contributes to NATO activities in the region.