
The EU deal that could wreck Starmer’s relations with Trump

28 February 2025
The Telegraph
“It would be an obstacle in any future free trade negotiations if you try to negotiate a ‘full-fat’ free trade agreement with the US,” warns Aslak Berg, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

Vanishing lifeline: What freezing USAID funds means for journalism in Europe

27 February 2025
Journalism Funders Forum
Zselyke Csaky, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, does not believe that these funds will return. According to her sources, with the shutdown of USAID’s Central Europe programme, originally launched in 2022, only 10-30% of grant funding will remain available in the region compared to three years ago. 
Elisabetta Cornago

Deutsche Welle News: Can the EU bring back "Made in Europe"?

27 February 2025
Elisabetta Cornago of the CER speaks to DW News about how the bloc can stay competitive with the US and China while holding on to its aim to lower emissions and slow down climate change.

The options to fund European defence

27 February 2025
Financial Times
It would be “more light, administratively speaking”, said Luigi Scazzieri at the Centre for European Reform.  Either structure could help with quickly increasing defence spending, he added. “A big, co-ordinated injection of capital,” Scazzieri said, would signal “strong political will by European countries to step up for European defence”. 

Europe wakes to a harsh truth – it has precious little to offer deal-hungry Trump

27 February 2025
The Telegraph
“How many foreign mining concerns are going to want to put money into those sorts of circumstances?” Ian Bond at the Centre for European Reform asks.“We are a long way from the first shovel going into the ground, let alone from minerals in usable quantities coming out of the earth.“There are already significant sources of the rare earths and most of the other minerals that Ukraine has in other friendly countries like Canada, Australia, Chile.

'Donald Trump's tariff protectionism is an unprecedented shock; the consequences of which are difficult to gauge'

26 February 2025
Le Monde
 It is a tsunami that has already damaged German industry, which is losing its market share in the automotive, cleantech and civil aviation sectors and according to a study by the think-tank Centre for European Reform, published in mid-January, "China's macroeconomic imbalances now directly infringe on German industrial interests."

Germany has come to its senses on defence - and it's a chance for Britain

26 February 2025
“The British defence industrial sector is still strong,” says Ian Bond, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform. “It makes sense to include Britain in what the European Union is doing to cope with a world in which you basically can’t be certain that the Americans would turn up if you were attacked.”

The EU Commission's jetting to Delhi, but what's it looking for?

26 February 2025
“The EU and India are lagging behind China in the development of AI, this could be a fruitful area of co-operation,” according to Anunita Chandrasekar from the Centre for European Reform....“Collaboration between start-ups in critical sectors such as quantum computing, EV batteries and semiconductor manufacturing is a topic of discussion between the two blocs," Chandrasekar added.

Diferenciar la bufonería de la amenaza real: el difícil trabajo para la UE de interpretar a Trump

25 February 2025
EL Confidencial
Ian Bond señala en un reciente artículo del Centre for European Reform (CER) que el aprendizaje de la primera legislatura de Trump por parte de los europeos es que podría “no hacer siempre exactamente lo que decía que quería (ya fuera construir un muro en la frontera con México o abandonar la OTAN), pero sus amenazas debían tomarse en serio, aunque no se cumplieran por sus efectos perjudiciales”.
What is the perception of defence industrial partnerships with the EDTIB by non-EU countries? The case of the United Kingdom

What is the perception of defence industrial partnerships with the EDTIB by non-EU countries? The case of the United Kingdom

25 February 2025
ARES Group
The UK’s approach to defence capability development emphasises international partnerships. Britain has close relationships with many EU countries.

EU’s Clean Industry Deal faces race against time

25 February 2025
“I am not sure how quickly the Deal can drive down energy prices,” said Elisabetta Cornago, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform....Cornago notes that the “quick solution” of slashing energy taxes was already done in the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022, “but this leaves holes in public budgets so is not sustainable in the long term.”

Europa kann aufrüsten, auch ohne anderswo zu sparen

25 February 2025
Finanz und Wirtschaft
Eine Lösung wie im Coronafonds hätte den Vorteil, dass die EU Gegenleistungen verlangen könnte, sodass die Europäer ihre Ausgaben besser koordinieren und so die Effizienz der Militärausgaben verbessern, sagt der Ökonom Sander Tordoir. 

US tariffs to thwack European economy

24 February 2025
"This isn't a headwind for German carmaking. It's a full-on storm," said Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the think-tank Centre for European Reform.

Trump will pander to Xi just as he has to Putin

23 February 2025
The Sunday Times
Robert Brinkley, who was our man in Ukraine, raised the issue of Russian kompromat and referred to Trump as “an agent of Russian influence”; but the meeting’s host at the Centre for European Reform, Ian Bond (former ambassador to Latvia), responded — reasonably, I thought — that it was the consequences of the US president’s behaviour rather than its possible causes that should most trouble us: Trump truly is the Kremlin’s most useful idiot.

Naar het stembureau in recessietijd. Dit schreef NRC over de malaise in de Duitse economie

23 February 2025
NRC Handelsblad
Econoom Sander Tordoir legde aan NRC uit hoe Chinese, door de staat gesubsidieerde concurrentie de Duitse industrie ondermijnt. Duitsland heeft de problemen ook aan zichzelf te wijten, vertelde Tordoir: het lijdt aan een „een antitechnologie- en antikapitaalhouding”. 

Koop Europees! – is dat een goed idee?

21 February 2025
NRC Handelsblad
„Europa bouwt de beste windturbines ter wereld. Dat is goed voor onze energie-onafhankelijkheid. Er zitten magneten in die we ook nodig hebben voor militaire radarsystemen.” Het is een sector die levensvatbaar is, zegt Sander Tordoir, maar het ontzettend zwaar heeft.
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: A snapshot of the war in Ukraine

CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: A snapshot of the war in Ukraine

Ian Bond, Iuliia Osmolovska
21 February 2025
Ian Bond and Iuliia Osmolovska discuss the war in Ukraine.

Britain in numbers

20 February 2025
Financial Times
The date for the EU-UK reset summit is now set for May 19, but as things stand expectations for the reboot of the relationship are fairly low — as the well-connected director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank Charles Grant sets out elegantly in a timely essay here. 

The State of Britain

20 February 2025
Financial Times
John Springford of the CER warns that the picture looks even gloomier when you measure UK performance against countries most like us — so excluding the US and Germany — and including Australia, Canada and the Netherlands.  “Trade intensity in countries whose trends most closely matched the UK’s before 2019 is about 10 per cent higher than before the pandemic. For an open economy dependent on trade for cheaper products, innovation and productivity growth, this is awful performance,” he says.

Taking the Pulse: Is the transatlantic relationship at a breaking point?

20 February 2025
Carnegie Endowment
The transatlantic relationship is fracturing, but not so much between Europe and America as between competing visions of world order.
