Breakfast meeting on 'The consumer protection policy review'
17 April 2008
With John Bell, head of cabinet for Meglena Kuneva, European commissioner for consumer protection.

Launch of 'The Lisbon scorecard VIII'
09 April 2008
Speakers included: Jean-Pierre Jouyet, French secretary of state for European affairs, Ann Mettler, The Lisbon Council, John Peet, Jean Pisani-Ferry & Philip Whyte.

CER/RUSI Roundtable on 'Turkey and European energy security'
17 March 2008
Speakers included: Mehmet Ogutcu, BG Energy Holdings, John Roberts, Platts & Gottfried Steiner, OMV.

CER/APCO breakfast meeting on 'Public health, food safety and consumer protection'
12 March 2008
With Robert Madelin, director general, DG Health and Consumer Protection, European Commission.

Launch of CER report 'The Lisbon scorecard VIII'
10 March 2008
Speakers included: José Manuel Barroso, president, European Commission, C. Boyden Gray, US Mission to the EU, Daniel Gros, John Monks & Katinka Barysch.

Launch of CER report 'The Lisbon scorecard VIII'
03 March 2008
Speakers included: The Rt Hon John Hutton MP, secretary of state for business, enterprise and regulatory reform (BERR), Marco Annunziata, Stephanie Flanders, Wolfgang Münchau & Simon Tilford.

Breakfast meeting on 'Immigration: what role should the EU play?'
21 February 2008
With Liam Byrne MP, minister for immigration.

Roundtable on 'The EU, NATO and the future of European defence'
14 February 2008
Speakers included: François Heisbourg, Lord Robertson & Kori Schake.

10th birthday party
14 February 2008
With The Rt Hon David Miliband MP. Hosted by the German Ambassador.