Advisory board
- Paul Adamson
Chairman of Forum Europe and founder of Encompass - Esko Aho
Chairman of the Board, Cinia Oy & former prime minister of Finland - Joaquín Almunia
Former vice president & commissioner for Competition, European Commission - Catherine Barnard
Professor of European Union and Labour Law, University of Cambridge - Katinka Barysch
Global head of social regulation & business, Allianz SE - Carl Bildt
Former prime minister & foreign minister of Sweden - Nick Butler
Visiting Professor & Founding Chair, Policy Institute, King's College London - Tim Clark
Former senior partner, Slaughter & May - David Claydon
Partner, Kaya Group - Sir Robert Cooper
Former special adviser to the High Representative and former counsellor, European External Action Service - Lord Darroch
Former ambassador to the EU and the US - Dame Carolyn Fairbairn
Non-executive director, HSBC - Jonathan Faull
Chair, European public affairs, Brunswick Group LLP
- Stephanie Flanders
Head of Economics and Government, Bloomberg LP - Anthony Gardner
Senior advisor, Brunswick Group LLP - Timothy Garton Ash
Professor, European Studies, University of Oxford - Arancha Gonzalez Laya
Dean Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po (Paris) and former Foreign Minister of Spain - Sylvie GoulardMinistry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, France
- Heather Grabbe
Senior fellow, Bruegel - John Grant
Independent consultant & Former UK Permanent Representative to the EU - Lord Hannay
Former ambassador to the EU and the UN - François Heisbourg
Special adviser, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique - Simon Henry
Independent director - Wolfgang Ischinger
President, MSC Foundation, Munich/Berlin - Lord Kerr (Chair)
Vice chairman, ScottishPower - Julian King
Former British commissioner and ambassador to France - Caio Koch-Weser
Chairman of the Board, European Climate Foundation - Pascal Lamy
President, Paris Peace Forum - Dame Mariot Leslie
Co-chair of Advisory Board of Scottish Council on Global Affairs and former ambassador to NATO Sir David Lidington
Former UK Cabinet Minister and chair, Royal United Services Institute- Sir Philip Lowe
Former director-general for energy, European Commission - Mario Monti
President, Bocconi University and former prime minister of Italy - Christine Ockrent
Commentator and writer, producer "Affaires Étrangères" France Culture - Stephen Peel
Founding Partner of Novalpina Capital and Founder of SMP Policy Innovation - Michel Petite
Of Counsel, Clifford Chance, Paris - Jean-Claude Piris
Independent consultant and former Legal Counsel of the European Council and EU Council - Hélène Rey
Lord Bagri Professor of Economics, London Business School - Lord Robertson
Member of the House of Lords & former secretary general, NATO - Dev Sanyal
Chief Executive Officer, VARO Energy Group AG - Kori Schake
Director of foreign and defense policy studies, American Enterprise Institute - Sir Nigel Sheinwald
Chair, Chatham House and former UK Ambassador to the US and EU - Constanze Stelzenmüller
Director, Center on the US & Europe, The Brookings Institution - Nathalie Tocci
Director, Istituto Affari Internazionali - Lord Turner
Chairman, Energy Transitions Commission - Pierre Vimont
Senior fellow, Carnegie Europe and former executive secretary-general, European External Action Service - Igor Yurgens
Chairman of the Management Board, Institute of Contemporary Development, Moscow