
Starmer’s free trade resolve tested by Trump’s zeal for tariffs

07 November 2024
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a think tank, said that Trump could offer Britain a privileged trading position, possibly with fewer tariffs, if it differentiated itself from the EU.

What a Trump presidency means for the UK

07 November 2024
The Times
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, said Trump’s victory was likely to speed up closer co-operation with both the EU and other member states.

Présidentielle américaine : la « relation spéciale » entre Washington et Londres à nouveau secouée

07 November 2024
Les Echos
Donald Trump pourrait au contraire pousser pour un éloignement entre le Royaume-Uni et l'Union européenne. Charles Grant, directeur du Centre for European Reform, pense qu'une partie de l'establishment britannique y serait favorable, même si le contexte actuel fait qu'un rapprochement avec l'Europe est plus probable, selon lui.

EU prepares for Donald Trump to retake US reins

06 November 2024
RTE News
"Unlike the US, the EU has not significantly reduced its trade links with China, particularly for imports," write Aslak Berg and Zach Meyers in a paper for the Centre for European Reform (CER)."This partly reflects an internal conflict in the EU about how to tackle China. Some member-states see China as a strategic and commercial threat and want stronger action.

Trump's euro allies are defenseless against MAGA

06 November 2024
"Given fiscal constraints, there’s a renewed case for defense bonds that would increase spending, make it more efficient and encourage co-ordination, the Centre for European Reform argues."

Europe could be a casualty as Donald Trump secures US election victory, promising a new American ‘golden age’

06 November 2024
Fortune Magazine
“In his first term, Trump was obsessed with the US trade deficit with the EU. In his view, this is no different (other than being smaller) to the US concerns about its trade deficit with China,” Zach Meyers, assistant director of the Centre for European Reform, told Fortune.

EU reckons with another Trump presidency

06 November 2024
The Parliament Magazine
“Any additional trade barriers between the EU and the US are going to be really problematic for sectors like the car industry and pharmaceuticals, which rely heavily on exports to the US,” Zach Meyers, assistant director at the Centre for European Reform, told The Parliament. 

Cosa teme davvero l'Ue dalle elezioni presidenziali Usa

05 November 2024
Europa Today
"Questa volta l'Europa potrebbe non essere in grado di fare affidamento sull'approccio caotico di Trump alla governance, il che ha significato che nel suo primo mandato molti annunci politici non hanno mai portato ad azioni", ha sottolineato l'esperto di politica estera USA Ian Bond, del Centre for European Reform.

Here are 3 ways the US election could change the future of Europe

03 November 2024
Fortune Magazine
Trump, the Republican candidate, plans to impose an additional 10%-20% in cross-border tariffs, making trade expensive and possibly weakening the euro.      “Tariffs will seriously dampen the EU’s economic growth,” Zach Meyers, assistant director of the Centre for European Reform, told Fortune. 

Europa y el mundo contienen el aliento ante el temor de una vuelta al poder de Trump que agitaría el orden global

03 November 2024
Luigi Scazzieri, del Centre for European Reform (CER), también destaca que un segundo mandato de Trump generará un "nuevo periodo de turbulencias transatlánticas, alta tensión comercial y en el seno de la OTAN y con respecto a Ucrania, China y Oriente Próximo".

Europe Express: Not much better with Harris?

02 November 2024
Financial Times
Writing for the Centre for European Reform think-tank, Aslak Berg and Zach Meyers suggest that the EU might find Harris difficult to deal with on economic issues:. . . while Harris would likely be more interested than Trump in transatlantic dialogue, both candidates have economic priorities which will put Europe in an awkward position — including getting tougher on China, and boosting US jobs in sectors sensitive to Europe, such as vehicle production.

US election: Brussels worried about shifting security, defense balance

02 November 2024
Anadolu Ajansı
Luigi Scazzieri, transatlantic relations expert at the Centre for European Reform said: "Trump has also made no secret of his dislike for NATO and belief that Europeans are freeriding on the US for security" and a Trump victory would divide the EU and put it under pressure.On the other hand, a Kamala Harris victory would likely mean continuity with current Biden administration policies, according to Scazzieri.

De economie van Europa staat op zijn kop: Duitsland kwakkelt, Zuid-Europa floreert

01 November 2024
NRC Handelsblad
Ook econoom Sander Tordoir, verbonden aan denktank Centre for European Reform, erkent de invloed van het toerisme, die weer profiteert van de economische groei van de VS en de sterke dollar: „Onlangs sprak ik met twee economen van een zakenbank. Die hadden twee keer de groei van de Spaanse economie te laag ingeschat, omdat ze de portemonnee van de Amerikaanse toerist hadden onderschat.”

US and China tensions could herald new troubles for Europe’s economy, Volkswagen’s woes

31 October 2024
“There's no doubt that Trump will do something to Germany because he's been very clear that he's targeting Germany's surplus. So that definitely will be a rough ride,” Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform (CER), told Euractiv.However, Tordoir noted that Trump’s re-election could also incentivise Beijing to attempt to seek closer ties with Brussels.
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: Moldova and Georgia: In Brussels' orbit, or Moscow's?

CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: Moldova and Georgia: In Brussels' orbit, or Moscow's?

31 October 2024
Ian Bond and Zselyke Csaky discuss the elections in Georgia and Moldova.

France allows six Russian army deserters, and partners, to enter country, apply for asylum

30 October 2024
Voice of America
A French court ruled in 2023 that Russians who refuse to fight can claim refugee status, but most are not able to travel abroad to lodge an asylum application, said Ian Bond, a Russia expert and deputy director of the Centre for European Reform.

Trage groei, exploderende schulden, klimaatschade en protectionisme: deze cocktail kost het IMF heel wat hoofdbrekens

25 October 2024
NRC Handelsblad
Die spanning zie je ook bij de IMF-aanbevelingen aan China, zegt Sander Tordoir, econoom bij denktank Centre for European Reform en IMF-kenner. „Toen het IMF eerder dit jaar in China op bezoek ging, kreeg het land te horen dat het goed zou zijn voorzichtig te bezuinigen, om te voorkomen dat het te diep in de schulden zou raken. Deze week klonk het juist dat het goed zou zijn de zwakke binnenlandse vraag aan te jagen via de overheidsbegroting.”

Britten prijzen Marjan Rintel tijdens zakendiner

25 October 2024
De Telegraaf
Wat de Britten betreft, gaat dit alleen maar toenemen: „De economie in het Verenigd Koninkrijk lijdt”, volgens Charles Grant, directeur van het Centre for European Reform, een denktank over Europese integratie, gevestigd in Londen.

Parliamentary elections in Georgia: What is at stake

25 October 2024
Deutsche Welle
Anunita Chandrasekar of the Centre for European Reform, an independent think-tank with offices in London, Brussels and Berlin, believes that the EU's toolkit for countering election violations in Georgia is limited mainly to economic and political measures.

How the US presidential election could shape relations with Europe

25 October 2024
There’s bipartisan consensus in Washington on reducing trade with China, and the EU is largely on board - but Europe’s more trade-intensive economy means it also risks becoming “collateral damage” in the US-China economic rivalry, two experts argued for the Centre for European Reform. Many European firms have made significant investments in China, and cheap Chinese goods have contributed to lower prices amid continent-wide concerns about purchasing power, meaning the EU needs to be more “selective” in its approach to Beijing to avoid an all-out trade war, they wrote.