
Luigi Scazzieri

ISPI podcast: Tories ai minimi storici, Sunak annuncia le elezioni in UK - Globally

24 May 2024
Il prime minister britannico Sunak ha indetto le elezioni generali in Regno Unito per il 4 luglio, con alcuni mesi di anticipo sulla fine naturale del mandato. A cosa è dovuta questa scelta? E cosa significa per UK e Europa? Francesco Rocchetti e Silvia Boccard ne parlano con Luigi Scazzieri,...

EU trade deficit with China shrinks to lowest level since 2021

21 May 2024
Financial Times
“The US shutting China out already will undoubtedly benefit the EU, as long as the US remains open to European imports,” said Sander Tordoir at the Centre for European Reform think-tank. “The EU is ahead of the US on green tech manufacturing and exports.”

Ukrainan tukemista läntisin joukoin pidetään yhä todennäköisempänä

19 May 2024
Ranskan presidentti Emmanuel Macron toimii Centre for European Reform -ajatushautomon apulaisjohtajan, suurlähettiläs Ian Bondin mielestä viisaasti korostaessaan kevään kuluessa useaan otteeseen, että länsijoukkojen lähettämistä Ukrainaan ei pitäisi sulkea pois.

Onko nyt edessä uusi brexit? Erikoinen ratkaisu kätkee Hollannin todellisen vallankäyttäjän

18 May 2024
Uusi Suomi
Euroalueen talouteen erikoistunut Centre fo European Reform -ajatuspajan ekonomisti Sander Tordoir pitää sen sijaan huolestuttavana sitä, että Hollannin uusi hallitus linjaa olevansa “erittäin kriittinen” EU:n laajentumisen suhteen.Tordoir ennakoi, että linjaus voi aiheuttaa kitkaa Euroopan komission kanssa. Lisäksi hän arvioi, että komissio saattaa puuttua maahanmuuttopolitiikan tiukennuksiin.

China's Belt & Road: Building bridges not walls

18 May 2024
EU Reporter
Another to pick up on this is the highly respected Ian Bond, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform in the UK. He told this website, “When it was first conceived, the ‘Silk Road Economic Belt’, linking China and Europe overland, seemed to offer Europe the chance to work with China on opening up Central Asia and giving new life to EU assistance programmes for the region that had been struggling along since the break-up of the Soviet Union.
Judy Asks: Are Europeans prepared to send troops to Ukraine?

Judy Asks: Are Europeans prepared to send troops to Ukraine?

16 May 2024
Carnegie Europe
Deploying troops to Ukraine, even for non-combat duties, entails risks most European countries are currently unwilling to take. The priority right now must be ramping up aid to Kyiv.

Driving the day: Great expectations

16 May 2024
“A key question will be whether [Draghi] is going bold on fiscal integration,” said Sander Tordoir, a senior economist at the Centre for European Reform, which would mean “more solidarity and more discipline.” China is the other big question: “The entire Brussels consensus is still ‘let’s not be harsh on China, while they have not fully up their mind” on how to handle overproduction, dumping, and a landscape where the two biggest economies have abandoned free trade, he said.

Companies count the cost of compliance with green regulation

16 May 2024
Financial Times
In a recent analysis of EU policy-making, Zach Meyers, assistant director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, says the European Commission, in its attempts to deal with crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change, “has become a more political body”.  This means, he argues, that the EU “has lost one of its strengths: having a technocratic lawmaking body focused on designing laws based on evidence and good practice, and which is less beholden to short-term politics than the European parliament and European Council”.

Who is Russia's new defence minister Andrei Belousov, and why did Putin appoint him?

16 May 2024
“If Belousov can ensure that money is spent more efficiently, then the pressure on Ukraine is likely to grow, and the threat to the rest of Europe will also increase,” Ian Bond, deputy director at the Centre for European Reform (CER),  think-tank, told Euronews.

Europe's new power map, from ASML to the Arctic

15 May 2024
Sander Tordoir and Zach Meyers of the Centre for European Reform suggest more targeted support for areas of dominance like ASML's tech, a more pan-European approach to industrial policy and the creation of alliances with like-minded partners on chip supplychains.
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: How is China's foreign policy shifting?

CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: How is China's foreign policy shifting?

Charles Grant, Dr Yu Jie
15 May 2024
Charles Grant and Dr Yu Jie discuss China's foreign policy.

Putin-style law leaves Georgia at a crossroads

14 May 2024
Yorkshire Bylines
Ian Bond, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, also told this site, “The paradox of Georgia is that it has the most pro-EU population in the former Soviet space, and has come further than any other Eastern European country in tackling corruption, but it now has one of the most anti-EU governments, controlled from behind the scenes by an oligarch who made his money in Russia in the 1990s.

Europe’s economy is a cause for concern, not panic

14 May 2024
The Economist
Europe is back to having a trade surplus and a fiscal deficit that looks a lot better than America’s these days, points out Sander Tordoir of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank. 

Far-right EU election gains could boost nationalist parties on home turf

11 May 2024
The Guardian
First, said Luigi Scazzieri of the Centre for European Reform (CER) think-tank, the parties that make up the current “grand coalition” of conservatives, socialists and liberals “are likely to lose a substantial number of seats, but maintain their overall majority”.

Pluses and minuses of the EU recovery fund

Iain Begg
11 May 2024
Financial Times
Iain Begg sets out the problem lucidly in this article for the Centre for European Reform think-tank. Somehow, the EU must repay the debt incurred under the recovery fund. But will national governments be willing to pay more into the EU budget to do that? Will they approve the European Commission’s proposals for the EU to raise new forms of revenue on its own?

Halen geopolitiek en tijdgeest de Europese gedachte in?

10 May 2024
De Tijd
Volgens John Springfield van het Centre for European Reform zal de keuze tussen etnische homogeniteit en het in stand houden van de Europese welvaart de komende jaren acuut worden. Mensen van buiten de Europese Unie zijn nodig om de veroudering van de bevolking te compenseren.
Charles Grant

The Spectator Podcast - Coffee House Shots: Can Lammy charm Trump?

09 May 2024
Charles Grant spoke on the Spectator podcast about David Cameron, David Lammy, Donald Trump and China.

Europe to fund Ukraine weapons with profits from frozen Russian assets

09 May 2024
Voice of America
Ian Bond, a foreign policy analyst and Russia specialist at the Centre for European Reform, said Brussels could go further. "What the EU is talking about is not seizing the principal - but using the interest [from frozen Russian assets], which might amount to seven or $8 billion a year and using that for the benefit of Ukraine," Bond told VOA.

“Immigration necessary to sustain European economic system”

09 May 2024
EU News
A study by John Springford of the CER argues that boosting arrivals from non-European countries is necessary to safeguard the welfare system and overcome labour shortages.

A redemptive moment for EU-UK relations

09 May 2024
Financial Times
Anton Spisak, the former UK government official and Centre for European Reform associate fellow who Miliband credited at the end of his speech, isn’t certain where Labour ends up on that question, but he is clear that nothing can really change without a political paradigm shift at the top of the British government and the EU.