
Brüsseler Autozölle verärgern die Bundesregierung

23 August 2024
Sander Tordoir, Chefvolkswirt der Denkfabrik Centre for European Reform, meint dazu: „Der laute Widerstand des Bundeskanzlers gegen die Zölle könnte bedeuten, dass Deutschland das Beste aus beiden Welten bekommt.“

Deutscher Industrie droht der China-Schock

22 August 2024
Sander Tordoir, Chefökonom beim Centre for European Reform, sieht einen zweiten China-Schock. Und der werde größer sein als der erste. Der erste China-Schock beschreibt die Zeit nach der Aufnahme der Volksrepublik in die Welthandelsorganisation. 

La falta de inversión pública de Alemania lastra a su economía y frena a la UE

22 August 2024
El Pais
“El estancamiento alemán arrastra a toda la eurozona. Esto se ve de manera muy prominente en lugares como la República Checa, que están tan ligados a las cadenas de suministro alemanas”, explica Sander Tordoir, economista jefe del instituto de análisis Centro para la Reforma Europea (CER, por sus siglas en inglés), especializado en el papel de Alemania en la UE.

Leyen mebluje Komisję Europejską. Czy Serafin ma szansę na super tekę?

21 August 2024
W kluczową fazę weszły negocjacje Ursuli von der Leyen ze stolicami w sprawie podziału tek w jej drugiej Komisji Europejskiej. Wiele stolic wystawiło wysokiej rangi kandydatów i oczekuje potężnych tek - powiedziała PAP Zselyke Csaky z think tanku Centre for European Reform.

Free movement curbs could be relaxed under EU reset

21 August 2024
The Times
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, said the EU had clear areas of interest in a reformed Brexit deal with the UK.“There are at least three areas where the EU is looking for movement from the new government,” he said.
Ian Bond

TRT World: Can Ukraine maintain its gains from the incursion into Russia?

16 August 2024
Ian Bond, deputy director of the CER spoke to TRT World about Ukraine's incursion into Russian territory.

The state of startup creation in Europe

15 August 2024
Zach Meyers, an assistant director at the Centre for European Reform, adds that the bigger decrease in the Dealroom data might be a sign not of the tech industry's weakness, but rather that of Europe's VC sector — as the data only shows startups that got some VC funding.

SPOTLIGHT ON SLOVAKIA: Back with a vengeance

13 August 2024
“What is fueling Fico is a sense of revenge on the one hand,” said Anton Spisak, a Slovak academic at the Centre for European Reform in London, “and a desire to control the state apparatus on the other, so as to prevent a situation where his future and that of his associates could be jeopardized again.”

Why discontent is spilling over onto Slovak streets amid Fico government reforms

13 August 2024
"The European Commission has been very careful not to draw a line of attack on the (Slovak) government, and that has been made much more difficult because of the recent assassination attempt on Fico himself," Anton Spisak, associate fellow at the Centre for European Reform, told Euronews.

Trade secrets: Security pact

12 August 2024
Financial Times
Here’s an interesting article from, Luigi Scazzieri at the Centre for European Reform on a security pact touted by the new Labour government. Security being “at least in theory”, the authors note, an area of common concern for the UK and the EU.

How to get to an EU-UK security pact

12 August 2024
EU Observer
The UK’s EU reset is fully underway. The European Political Community summit in Blenheim was the perfect platform for Keir Starmer to present the UK as a key ally to its EU neighbours, and Britain’s leaders have been touring European capitals to grease the wheels of diplomacy.

State of Britain: EU-UK rapprochement woes

08 August 2024
Financial Times
Luigi Scazzieri of the Centre for European Reform unpicks the options beautifully in this piece in which he concludes that “pursuing an incremental approach” is going to be the most sure-footed way to build trust and overcome long-standing differences.He notes, for example, that the Gibraltar issue has held up implementing a deal signed by the Conservatives to facilitate troop movements across the EU. Reaching agreement with Spain over post-Brexit arrangements for Gibraltar is a key target for Lammy this autumn, but it shows how EU negotiations don’t happen in isolation.
Charles Grant, szef londyńskiego think tanku: Fala imigracji w Wielkiej Brytanii musi opaść

Charles Grant, szef londyńskiego think tanku: Fala imigracji w Wielkiej Brytanii musi opaść

08 August 2024
Skrajna prawica jest w Wielkiej Brytanii równie wpływowa, co we Francji – uważa Charles Grant, założyciel i dyrektor londyńskiego Centre for European Reform.

Second Trump presidency could rile global economic order, trigger trade and investment war ‘on steroids’

06 August 2024
Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform (CER), noted that Trump’s 10% tariff on global goods would especially affect Germany, the bloc’s largest economy, which is already reeling from a combination of weak demand and growing competition from China.“10% is not a massive tariff, but it will definitely hurt German exports, in an era in which they’re already struggling,” he said.

Orbán omdannede Ungarn til et illiberalt regime. Nu vil han forandre Europa

06 August 2024
»Orbán har i mange år sagt, at Østen vokser sig stærkere, mens Vesten er ved at tabe. For ham er Vesten et depraveret sted med flere og flere problemer, som han mener primært er forårsaget af migranter og LGBTQ+-personer,« siger Zselyke Csaky, der er analytiker ved tænketanken Centre for European Reform. 
Zach Meyers

The World: US judge rules that Google has a monopoly on internet searches

06 August 2024
A federal judge in the US has ruled that Google is a monopoly. It’s considered a massive ruling against one of the world’s most valuable companies. The World’s Host Marco Werman speaks with Zach Meyers, assistant director at the Centre for European reform, about the consequences of this ruling for Google in its global operations and whether or not it aligns the US closer to Europe’s antitrust position.
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: NATO at 75

CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: NATO at 75

Luigi Scazzieri, Sophia Besch
02 August 2024
Luigi Scazzieri and Sophia Besch discuss NATO and European security.

European, German industrial fatigue endures, cannot be blamed on ‘energy anymore’

01 August 2024
Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform (CER), said that Germany’s industrial malaise can no longer plausibly be attributed to the spike in energy prices triggered by Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, as energy costs are now broadly similar to what they were prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.“I think it will take time to disentangle what the factors are, but it is also very clear it cannot really be energy anymore,” Tordoir told Euractiv.

Is Brexit Britain about to turn into Switzerland — without the fondue?

29 July 2024
“The EU really dislikes the Swiss model quite intensely and has a very low opinion of it. So they don’t really want the British to have anything resembling the Swiss model,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank.And yet there is a case that “in the very long run, the UK relationship will be a bespoke, unique institutional structure rather like the Swiss,” he added, with Bern’s set-up serving “indirectly” as a model.

Trump og Orbán kan – måske – skabe fred. Bare ikke den fred, Ukraine og Europa ønsker sig

24 July 2024
»Han lader virkelig ikke til at være den rette upartiske mægler, der kan tale med begge sider. Han har været ekstremt kritisk over for Ukraine, har forsøgt at stoppe al støtte til Ukraine og vil ikke hjælpe landet militært, samtidig med han har været meget tæt på Rusland,« siger Zselyke Csaky, analytiker ved tænketanken Centre for European Reform.