Ian Bond
Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise
Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.
The Brexit equation: EU minus UK = ?
22 January 2016
Brexit would change the EU as well as the UK. What kind of partner would a diminished EU be for Britain and the rest of the world?
Cameron's security gamble: Is Brexit a strategic risk?
21 December 2015
Britain has shown its international ambitions with airstrikes in Syria and an important defence and security review. But the referendum on EU membership threatens Britain's interests.
Millstone or multiplier? EU foreign policy
30 November 2015
EU foreign policy co-operation gives Britain a chance to persuade 27 other countries to support British aims – but success depends on the UK showing more interest.
China's European charm offensive: Silk Road or Silk Rope?
27 November 2015
China is building closer relations with European countries, offering investments to all. EU member-states should welcome China’s contribution, without abandoning European values and interests.
EU foreign policy co-operation: A millstone or a multiplier for the UK?
12 October 2015
Submission to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee inquiry on the costs and benefits of EU membership for the UK's role in the world.
By participating actively in EU foreign policy co-operation, the UK can get 27 other countries to take co-ordinated actions aligned with British aims. It could...
By participating actively in EU foreign policy co-operation, the UK can get 27 other countries to take co-ordinated actions aligned with British aims. It could...
The insoluble Syrian problem: Only wrong answers?
29 September 2015
No-one, including Putin, has a peace plan for Syria. The EU should stop pursuing unrealistic military and political aims and focus on helping the war’s victims.
Eastern mess: The EU's partners need attention
24 September 2015
Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine signed EU association agreements in 2014, but reforms are now stalling. The EU needs to push the three governments to do more.
Europe’s refugee crisis: Chronicle of a death foretold
08 September 2015
To solve the refugee crisis, the EU should adopt a strategy that combines foreign policy and integration schemes. It should also reform its asylum law.
Chasing the dragon: Russia's courtship of China
04 August 2015
Russia wants the West to fear a Moscow-Beijing axis. But China sees Russia as a route to Europe, not a destination in itself.
Greek foreign policy: The next ruin?
27 July 2015
Grexit could create a foreign policy mess for Europe. Despite its Russophilia, Syriza's current foreign policy may be the best on offer.