Charles Grant

Charles Grant

Areas of expertise 

Britain’s relationship with the EU, the ‘future of Europe’ debate, European foreign and defence policy, and China's relations with the West.


Si le France rejette le traité, il ne se passera rien
21 May 2005
Si les Français votent non le 29 mai, la Constitution europénne est morte. Ni un second référendum en France ni une renégociation du traité ne sont plausibles. Dès lors trois options sont possibles.
La première est qu'il ne se passera rien. Les chefs de gouvernement vont se rencontrer, enterrer le traité...

What If the British Vote No?

Foreign Affairs
02 May 2005
In June 2004, the member states of the European Union concluded the negotiation of a treaty that, if ratified, would establish a European constitution that would make substantive changes to the way the union works. For the first time, an individual would be appointed president of the European Council, overseeing...

A British No would destroy more than the treaty

Financial Times
16 March 2005
If opinion polls are a fair guide, all European Union countries will ratify the new constitutional treaty - except Britain, which seems set to vote No in the referendum due in mid-2006.

Get your coat Mr Blair – you've just been asked to leave the EU

European Voice
17 February 2005
There are a host of ifs and buts. But the UK might, just might, be asked to leave the European Union if British voters reject the constitution, warns Charles Grant What if current opinion polls are a good guide to voting intentions in the ten member states that will hold...

A concrete strategy for mending fences

International Herald Tribune
17 February 2005
For the past several years, the conventional wisdom has been that the United States and Europe have grown apart, that the end of the cold war and 9/11 have produced a strategic divergence that is impossible to overcome.

Turquie-Europe : les dix règles d’or

Les Echos
13 December 2004
L’engagement des négociations en vue de l’adhésion de la Turquie sera un test majeur pour les ambitions européennes en matière de politique étrangère.

It's time to do your homework

The Guardian
17 June 2004
For the past seven years Britain has been led by the most pro-European prime minister since Ted Heath, yet the mood of the country has never been more Europhobic.

Big three join forces on defence

05 March 2004
While attention focused on the collapse of the talks on a new EU constitution at last December's summit, a crucial step was taken towards creating a common defence policy, writes Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform.

Top Brussels appointment has to be right

Financial Times
23 February 2004
The European Commission, for many years the driving force of European integration, is in a sorry state. Some of the larger countries in the European Union openly flout the Commission's authority in areas such as the stability and growth pact.

Iran between worlds

Open democracy
03 February 2004
How do Iranians see the world – its foreign policy establishment, its dissident intellectuals, and its ordinary people? Charles Grant, just returned from a week in Tehran, presents a vivid portrait of a political system under pressure.
The rest of the world has become used to viewing Iran as a stable...