CER Bulletin - 25th Anniversary Edition: Issue 148 - February/March 2023
The CER's mission is as vital as ever
01 February 2023
Although we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Centre for European Reform’s move into its first offices, the idea of a think-tank devoted to developments in Europe and committed to building better links between the UK and other member-states was conceived somewhat earlier.
25 years on, the CER is more necessary than ever
01 February 2023
I am very proud to have played a role in founding the Centre for European Reform. The CER has done stimulating and important work for the benefit of Britain and Europe.
The CER at 25: Ahead of its times
01 February 2023
Over 25 years, Charles Grant has often been asked “What are think-tanks for?” His answer has usually been: “Thinking long term.”