Ian Bond

Ian Bond

Deputy director
Areas of expertise 

Russia and the former Soviet Union, European foreign policy, Europe/Asia relations, US foreign policy.


Back Story podcast: Ukraine - war in Europe

27 February 2021
On this Back Story podcast we talk to Ian Bond, from the Centre for European Reform and a former British Diplomat on the chances of a direct clash with Russia and NATO and Putins state of mind.

Judy Asks: Is Germany damaging Europe's position on Ukraine?

Carnegie Europe
27 January 2021
Germany has made it harder to achieve a united European response to Russia’s threats to Ukraine. No one wants a war in Europe, and everyone would like to find a peaceful outcome.

Judy Asks: Is the EU too soft on Putin?

Carnegie Europe
21 January 2021
After more than twenty years, the EU has not found a successful strategy to deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Euronews: Brexit foreign policy

30 December 2020
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER spoke to Euronews about UK-EU alignment and potential divergence on foreign policy after Brexit.

CISAC Stanford: Russia's challenge to the West: A British perspective

01 December 2020
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Stephen Pifer, about Russia and the UK.

Judy Asks: Can the EU solve the budget and rule-of-law crisis?

Carnegie Europe
26 November 2020
Hungary and Poland have vetoed the next EU budget in protest of a new rule-of-law conditionality. What instruments and treaties can Europe use to circumvent Budapest and Warsaw’s hostage-taking?

President Biden: Good for Europe, but not a miracle-worker

19 November 2020
As long as Donald Trump doesn’t stage a coup d’état, Joe Biden will be sworn in as US President on January 20th 2021, and most of Europe will breathe a huge sigh of relief.

BBC Radio Wiltshire: Wendy Morton visits Moscow

16 November 2020
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform spoke to BBC Radio Wiltshire about Wendy Morton's visit Moscow. It's important to talk to adversaries as well as friends, the key thing is to be firm, make clear it won't be business as usual as long as...

ERR: "Välisilm": käesolev nädal on Brexiti leppe jaoks viimane võimalus

09 November 2020
Ka Suurbritanniast pärit analüütiku Ian Bondi sõnul on Euroopa Liidu käes olndu trumbid algusest peale.
"Suurbritannia kaotab kaubavahetuses väga suure osa oma sisemajanduse koguproduktist ajal, mil majandus kannatab nagunii juba koroonapandeemia mõjude all. Euroopa Liidu ja Suurbritannia kaubavahetuse sõltuvuses üksteisest on väga suur ebavõrdsus. Need inimesed, kes on rääkinud, et Suurbritannia...

CER podcast: Biden vs Trump: America's choice matters to Europe

28 October 2020
Ian Bond spoke to Sir Nigel Sheinwald, Kori Schake and Rahel Ellehusus about what a second Trump term or a Biden administration would mean for Europe.