Charles Grant
Charles Grant

Areas of expertise
Britain’s relationship with the EU, the ‘future of Europe’ debate, European foreign and defence policy, and China's relations with the West.
Germany and the eurozone: The view from Paris
16 December 2014
The French are gloomy about their relationship with the Germans and the chances of economic growth. But they are working on new ideas for eurozone governance.
Ukraine, Russia and the EU
30 September 2014
So long as Ukraine’s state and economy remain weak, Russia may be tempted into making further incursions. The West must therefore help to strengthen the country.
A UK without Scotland
12 September 2014
If the Scots vote to leave the United Kingdom, what is left of it will be more likely to leave the EU.
An open letter to David Cameron
29 July 2014
David Cameron will have to work hard to detoxify the British brand, if he wants to persuade other member-states to help him reform the EU.
Business as usual is not acceptable
06 June 2014
The electoral success of populists in Britain and France has reinforced German dominance of the EU. It also makes a new EU treaty less likely.
The new European Commission: which president, and what priorities?
30 May 2014
The Commission needs a strong president. But if the Parliament gets its way and imposes a ‘designated candidate’, the Commission will have a weak leader.
Presidential candidates, European federalism and Tony Giddens
15 May 2014
The problem with ‘federalism’ is that most European citizens do not want it. This makes the federalist proposals in Tony Giddens’ new book unrealistic.
What is wrong with German foreign policy?
06 May 2014
Events in Ukraine give Germany a chance to lead EU foreign policy - if its own policy become less commercially-driven, and more strategic.
Why a British exit is not inevitable
17 April 2014
Lord Ashcroft’s polling shows that pro-Europeans can win an in/out referendum. But what are the best arguments to use in such a campaign?
Can the EU help Belarus to guard its independence?
03 April 2014
The annexation of Crimea has made Belarus nervous. It plans to join Russia's Eurasian Economic Union - but also hopes for closer ties to the EU.