Visegrad: Orban and Kaczynski's 'cultural counter-revolution' will devour its children
“Whereas some member-states may share Poland and Hungary’s reluctance about the current balance of power in the EU, they think that the current Polish-Hungarian rhetoric is not particularly helpful in addressing EU's challenges,” points out Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform. “Member-states also fear that Kaczynski and Orban are interested in questioning the current system of Western liberalism rather than in the constructive debate about a better and more efficient EU.”...
...“The Czech Republic and Slovakia seem to feel uneasy with the Orban and Kaczynski narrative and their Brussels-bashing,” says Gostyńska-Jakubowska. “They fear that it could cast a shadow on the entire region and undermine its reputation in the EU.”