Dinner on NATO, defence austerity and the US event thumbnail

Dinner on NATO, defence austerity and the US

23 January 2012
With Ambassador Ivo Daalder, US permanent representative to NATO
Seminar on 'Russia in transition, the impact of the elections on the economy, the rule of law and foreign policy' event thumbnail

Seminar on 'Russia in transition, the impact of the elections on the economy, the rule of law and foreign policy'

23 January 2012
With Mia Brunell Livfors, Ivo Daalder, Dmitri Trenin and Nikolai Tsekhomsky.
Launch of Schengen and migration reports event thumbnail

Launch of Schengen and migration reports

20 January 2012
Speakers included: Antonio Vitorino, Hugo Brady, Charles Clarke and Stefano Manservisi.
Reports launch 'Saving Schengen: How to protect passport free travel in the EU' by Hugo Brady & 'The EU and migration: A call for action' by Charles Clarke
Breakfast on 'The current situation in the eurozone and Italy' event thumbnail

Breakfast on 'The current situation in the eurozone and Italy'

12 December 2011
With Fabrizio Saccomanni, director general of Banca d'Italia
Breakfast meeting on 'What Europe and Britain should do on climate change' event thumbnail

Breakfast meeting on 'What Europe and Britain should do on climate change'

09 December 2011
With John Cridland CBE, Director-General, CBI
CER/Interel breakfast on 'The future of the European Commission' event thumbnail

CER/Interel breakfast on 'The future of the European Commission'

02 December 2011
With Catherine Day, Secretary-General of the European Commission
Conference on 'The state and the market after the financial crisis' event thumbnail

Conference on 'The state and the market after the financial crisis'

11 November 2011 to 12 November 2011
Speakers included: Erik Berglöf, Peter Bofinger, Diane Coyle, Robert Frank, Charles Goodhart, Anatole Kaletsky, Sony Kapoor, John Kay, Philippe Legrain, Naguib Kheraj, Pier-Carlo Padoan, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Paul Tucker, Adair Turner, Bart Van Ark, Peter Westaway and John Williamson
Breakfast meeting on 'A European asylum system' event thumbnail

Breakfast meeting on 'A European asylum system'

04 November 2011
With Dr Robert Visser, director of the EU's asylum support office (EASO)
Dinner discussion on the future of Europe's single market  event thumbnail

Dinner discussion on the future of Europe's single market

03 November 2011
With Michel Barnier, EU Commissioner for internal market and services
Roundtable on 'EU police & justice co-operation: The pros & cons for Britain'  event thumbnail

Roundtable on 'EU police & justice co-operation: The pros & cons for Britain'

03 November 2011
With The Rt Hon Dominic Grieve QC MP, attorney general for England & Wales