Debate on the future funding of the EU
03 June 2011
In conjunction with the European Parliament and European Commission offices in the UK, Open Europe and the European Movement. Speakers included: Marta Andreasen MEP, Richard Ashworth MEP, Petros Fassoulas, Mats Persson, Jonathan Scheele, Stephen Tindale.

GBF/CER conference on 'The European Central Bank in a global perspective: Central banking and the challenge of rising inflation'
26 May 2011
The 16th Annual GBF conference

CER/Interel breakfast on the EU's neighbourhood
25 May 2011
With Stefan Füle, European commissioner for enlargement.

Allianz-CER European Forum: dinner on 'The challenges facing European foreign policy'
24 May 2011
With Pierre Vimont, executive secretary general, European External Action Service.

Seminar on 'The future of European foreign policy'
19 May 2011 to 20 May 2011
In conjunction with demosEuropa, the Swedish Parliament and the Embassy of Poland in Sweden.
Speakers included: Patricia Flor, Carl Hallergard, Luuk van Middelaar, James Moran, Marc Otte, Richard Youngs.
Speakers included: Patricia Flor, Carl Hallergard, Luuk van Middelaar, James Moran, Marc Otte, Richard Youngs.

CER/Egmont Institute debate on 'The impact of budget cuts on EU militaries'
17 May 2011
Speakers included: Tomas Valasek, Jo Coelmont.

13th birthday party
17 May 2011
With a keynote speech by The Rt Hon Danny Alexander MP, chief secretary to HM Treasury. Hosted by HE Carles Casajuana.

Dinner on EU competition policy
16 May 2011
With Joaquín Almunia, European Commissioner for competition policy.

Roundtable to launch 'A chance for further CAP reform'
11 May 2011
With Christopher Haskins, House of Lords and Tamsin Cooper, Green Alliance.

Launch of 'Surviving austerity: The case for a new approach to military collaboration'
04 May 2011
With Tomas Valasek.