Seminar on 'Brexit: Why Britain voted to leave the European Union'
10 May 2017
With Matthew Goodwin, Paul Whiteley and Florence Faucher
CER/Kreab breakfast on 'Digital challenges for transport markets in Europe'
10 May 2017
With Henrik Hololei
CER/East Office/AIG Arctic Bridge Summit
04 May 2017 to 06 May 2017
Speakers included Esko Aho, Raymond Arnaudo, Richard Barrons, Elisabeth Braw, Pauline Neville-Jones, Brian Peters, Andris Spruds, Karmenu Vella, Geir Westgaard and Andrey Zagorskiy
London launch of 'Parliamentarians in Brexit talks: Bulls in a china shop?’
04 May 2017
With John Peet, Joyce Quin and Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
CER/Kreab breakfast on 'How to strengthen the European defence market'
25 April 2017
With Jyrki Katainen
CER/Quilliam roundtable on 'The future of European counter-terrorism policy: What next after Brexit and Trump?'
25 April 2017
With Sean Arbuthnot, Ghaffar Hussain and Timothy Kirkhope