Brussels launch of 'Brexit and energy: Time to make some hard choices'

Brussels launch of 'Brexit and energy: Time to make some hard choices'

13 October 2017
With Sir Philip Lowe

CER/ECFR/EDAM 13th Bodrum Roundtable

06 October 2017 to 08 October 2017
Speakers included Mehmet Şimşek, Kati Piri, Kori Schake, Nathalie Tocci, Yaroslav Trofimov and Selim Yenel

Conservative Party Conference fringe event on 'How to handle Brexit'

02 October 2017
With Vicky Ford, Dominic Grieve, Andrea Leadsom, Juliet Samuel and Konrad Szymański

London launch of 'Brexit and energy: Time to make some hard choices'

26 September 2017
With Sir Philip Lowe

Labour Party Conference fringe event on 'How to handle Brexit'

25 September 2017
With Hilary Benn, Yvette Cooper, Keir Starmer and Chuka Umunna
CER/Kreab breakfast on 'The future of Europe' with Martin Selmayr, Head of Juncker Cabinet, European Commission

CER/Kreab breakfast on 'The future of Europe'

22 September 2017
With Martin Selmayr
CER/IIEA launch of 'Ulster's fight, Ulster's rights?'

CER/IIEA launch of 'Ulster's fight, Ulster's rights?'

18 September 2017
With Edward Burke and Simon Tilford

Conference on 'The German election: Implications for Europe'

13 September 2017
With Jochen Andritzky, Michael Arthur, Elga Bartsch, Claudia Major, Christine Ockrent, Stefan Profit and Peter Ptassek

CER/Clifford Chance lunch on 'The future of tax competition in Europe'

12 September 2017
With Gert-Jan Koopman and Pascal Saint-Amans

CER/OSEPI launch of 'Brexit maze: The role of EU institutions in the negotiations'

26 July 2017
With Stefaan De Rynck, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska and Heather Grabbe