CER/Europe Unlocked project: From a challenging present to a prosperous future

For the past decade, the EU has lagged the OECD in terms of average productivity growth, a picture that is not improved by demographic change and a weak position on transversal technologies versus other regions of the world. While the EU and US economies were roughly the same size in 2010, by 2020 the EU economy was significantly below this level and this divergence continues. Europe Unlocked is a coalition of business groups focussed on growing open and competitive markets to boost productivity and economic growth in Europe.
Europe Unlocked has supported the CER’s work in two areas:
- First, to examine how the next Commission should regulate new technologies and the steps it could take to unlock a stronger digital economy in Europe.
- Second, to consider how the EU institutions could reinvigorate the ‘better regulation’ agenda – to help address perceptions that the quality of EU regulation is in decline.