Luigi Scazzieri

Luigi Scazzieri

Senior research fellow
Areas of expertise 

European foreign and security policy, Italy and the EU, transatlantic relations, migration.


Trump, Europe and the Middle East peace process: A path out of the quicksand

23 June 2017
The Middle East peace process is frozen. Rather than attempting to reach an all-or-nothing final agreement, Europe and the US should pursue an incremental approach.
The EU and Libya: Realism or irrelevance

The EU and Libya: Realism or irrelevance

03 February 2017
Europe cannot view Libya only through the lens of migration. It needs to stabilise the country, brokering a compromise between different factions.

Italy's referendum: Much ado about little

28 November 2016
Whatever the outcome, Italy's referendum is not the watershed moment in Italian politics many are making it out to be.
