Issue 30 - 2003
Clear skies across the Atlantic
02 June 2003
When asked recently by the chairman of the UK House of Commons Transport Select Committee, 'Is the government's policy towards aviation a UK policy or a European one?', Alistair Darling, the transport secretary, slightly sheepishly acknowledged, 'Sometimes it's one, sometimes it's the other.'
An unconventional bargain
02 June 2003
The Convention on the future of Europe has now entered its final phase. To the surprise of many it has already reached consensus on many elements of a new constitution for the EU.
Defrosting the entente glaciale
02 June 2003
When Britain and France fall out, they damage not only each other but also the United Nations, NATO and the EU's embryonic foreign and defence policy. So long as Jacques Chirac and Tony Blair remain leaders of rival European gangs, a harmonious transatlantic relationship is impossible.