CER/AIG Geopolitical Risk Series: Webinar on 'What the US election result means for transatlantic relations'
Heather Conley, Senior Adviser, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
Christian Jetzlsperger, Head of Division United States, Canada, G7 Foreign Ministers' Track, German Federal Foreign Office, Germany
Anna Kantrup, Senior Manager, External Economic Policy, Federation of German Industries (BDI)
Laura von Daniels, Head of Research Division, The Americas, German Institute for International & Security Affairs (SWP)
Chair: Luigi Scazzieri, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform
The result of the US election on November 5th will shape transatlantic relations, European politics and European security for the next five years. A victory by Kamala Harris promises continuity with the policies of the Biden administration on trade and security. Conversely, a Donald Trump victory is likely to usher in a new era of protectionism, sharpening transatlantic trade tensions. Trump may also reduce America’s support for Ukraine and its commitment to NATO – plunging Europe into a major security crisis.
This webinar will assess the implication of the US results for the transatlantic relationship, European politics and European security. We will look at questions such as: How will the new administration approach the war in Ukraine and relations with China? How will the impact of the election shape European politics? How can Europe and the US continue to work together on shared challenges? And how should Europeans respond to US policies that undermine their own interests?