Mario Draghi: What will a new technocrat-led government mean for Italy and the wider EU?
"Draghi's emphasis will be on firefighting," Dr Luigi Scazzieri, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER), told Euronews. "First is making sure that the vaccination campaign picks up speed. Second is ensuring that Italy's economy recovers quickly, by spending the money from the EU's recovery fund in ways that maximise potential growth."
..."Draghi has also talked of broader reforms to Italy's tax system, public administration and justice system," said Scazzieri. "But these reforms will be difficult as they will require a lot of time and political capital. And it will be difficult to get his disparate coalition to agree on a common stance."
He added: "Draghi's problems will be worse if the pandemic does not ease by this summer and lockdowns also prove necessary later this year."