Hybrid discussion on 'Delivering REPowerEU: What more needs to be done?'
Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director General for Energy, European Commission
Elisabetta Cornago, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Reform
John Springford, Deputy Director, Centre for European Reform
To launch 'Europe needs both fiscal and energy solidarity' by Elisabetta and John.
The policy brief assesses the policies European governments have enacted in protecting households and businesses against growing energy costs, and in providing incentives to accelerate investment in low-carbon alternatives. Not all countries have the fiscal space for continued bailouts if high prices endure, and all governments must ultimately rein in untargeted subsidies for energy consumption and switch to providing support for investment. The policy brief outlines measures member-states can collectively take to implement the EU's REPowerEU strategy and thus reduce the cost of eliminating fossil fuel imports from Russia.