Charles Grant

Charles Grant

Areas of expertise 

Britain's EU referendum, the 'future of Europe' debate, the euro, Russia, European foreign and defence policy and China's relations with the West.


The Spectator Podcast: Theresa May's Brexit deal is hard to stomach

08 November 2018
As Theresa May prepares to unveil her Brexit deal, we ask: just how bad is it, and what happened to ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’. In the American midterms, the Blue Wave didn’t happen, but Democrats did take control of the House of Representatives – what next for Trump’s presidency. And last, as we approach Remembrance Sunday, who are the lives we are remembering, and is it time to move on. With James Forsyth, Charles Grant, Kate Andrews, Leslie Vinjamuri, Liz Hunt, and Glyn Prysor.

Merkel is going but Germany won’t shift its stance on Brexit

The Guardian
30 October 2018
The departure of Angela Merkel from the leadership of her party will make little difference to the Brexit negotiations.

Een Vandaag: Waarom blijven zoveel Britten de brexit steunen

13 October 2018
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, speaks to Een Vandaag about why so many Brits continue to support Brexit.

The Guardian - Politics Weekly podcast: The Irish border, SNP conference and emotions in politics

11 October 2018
Heather Stewart is joined by Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, Katy Hayward and Lisa O’Carroll to discuss one of the toughest issues yet to be resolved in the Brexit negotiations: the Irish border.

„May ist ein Desaster”

10 October 2018
Das Endspiel hat begonnen: Brexit-Experte Charles Grant über den Niedergang der politischen Klasse in England, das Trauerspiel der Premierministerin – und das Vorbild Schweiz.

Britain's best Brexit hope is a revised Chequers plan

The Financial Times
03 October 2018
A Brexit deal between the EU and the UK is more likely than not, because both sides really want one. But there is a serious chance of no deal, because of differences over the Irish “backstop”.

Brexit: «Wir werden noch zehn Jahre verhandeln»

Aargauer Zeitung
21 September 2018
Charles Grant, Direktor der britischen Denkfabrik «Centre for European Reform», spricht im Interview über die Starrsinnigkeit Brüsseler Juristen, den weiteren Verlauf des Brexits und die Chancen von Boris Johnson als Premierminister.

Theresa May's Chequers plan may yet have some life in it

12 September 2018
Theresa May’s Chequers plan for the future UK-EU relationship appears moribund.

The Spectator podcast: China's new diplomacy

02 August 2018
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, spoke to The Spectator Podcast about the 'WTO option' and the likelihood of a no deal (from 16:45mins). 
“I think the chances of no deal are higher than they were. I still think it is more likely than not that there will be...

CER event podcast: CER/KAS Conference on 'Plugging in the British: Completing the circuit'

11 July 2018
Three panels of experts gathered at the CER/KAS conference, ‘Plugging in the British: Completing the Circuit’ at the Royal United Services Institute.