EPRS policy roundtable: EU finances: Is Next Generation EU delivering?

01 October 2024

Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the CER spoke at the EPRS policy roundtable (from 44.00 mins).

According to the recent Draghi report, the EU is facing an existential challenge: to become more productive, it will require reforms and massive amounts of investment. Next Generation EU and its Recovery and Resilience Facility will, up until the end 2026, finance investment and reform measures through national plans for each member-state. The latest edition of the EPRS Economic Outlook Quarterly shows that implementation of the national plans is under way, but to varying degrees across the EU. This panel discussion brings together a distinguished panel of speakers to assess whether Next Generation EU is delivering on its objectives. Could lessons from these innovative instruments contribute to the debate on the future design of EU finances?